Here We Go… ZOOMIES!!!
You are in business and making money. You’re now ready to dream into what’s next and discover what’s really possible for you and your business.
You’re stepping out of finally making it and feel ready to move into making it beyond your wildest dreams. You’re ready to finally feel successful. And you want to be empowered and know that you are truly creating the business of your dreams.
You’re ready to experience BUSINESS FREEDOM in action and take it up a notch (or two!). You want to steward your own success, no longer flying by the seat of your pants, especially when it comes to the financial leadership of your company. You are eager to discover what is possible for your business in the future as you and your business both continue to grow and expand!
You haven’t really understood or leveraged the accounting aspects of your company yet, but you have a sense that there’s something powerful to uncover by becoming familiar and comfortable with the numbers. You are ready for the juice to really flow and for a new and uplifted sense of what is truly possible, with the numbers illuminating the path along the way!
This IS for you if…
… you love the work you’re doing in the world
… the financial records of your business are up-to-date
… you want to honor how far you’ve come and create a bigger, more expansive container for your business
… just accepting the status quo doesn’t feel fun and you want things to become more than they are, even if they are already really good! You’re asking for MORE!
… you’re craving the experience of an even-better-than-you-imagined-possible level of being in business
… there’s a sense of wonder about the numbers and the story they can tell you about your business
… you’re ready to play an active role in ordering up what’s next and want to invest in yourself and your business
This is NOT for you if…
…the financial records of your business need to be brought up-to-date (this can help with that)
…you’re struggling financially to make ends meet (this can help with that)
…you feel like you’re gonna lose it because you have no one to openly talk to about your money matters (this can help with that)
…you think energy work, meditation, deep breathing, and having a conversation with your business is weird/odd/strange and just the idea of any of this sort of stuff makes you uncomfortable
…you’re fine with the status quo and aren’t interested in stretching or expanding beyond your current circumstances
…you aren’t happy with the work you’re currently doing in business
Why Work With Me?
So I’m not your typical bookkeeper or accountant. Although I do have all the formal accounting training and almost two decades of extensive experience in the business world, I found that the practical aspects of being in business alone just weren’t cutting it for me OR my clients. So many years ago I decided to bring energy work into my accounting practice and the changes and results that have been possible since, well that was all the evidence I needed that blending the practical approach with the emotional/energetic work, well it’s a fail-proof recipe for a totally different kind of success in both business and in life.
And I do what I do because it empowers my clients to bring their incredible work to the world. I’ve been incredibly blessed with the opportunity to support so many gifted and talented souls as they present their amazing offers to the marketplace. For me, the power of accounting truly lies in the ability to use the knowledge and wisdom of the financials to steward a business to success, and not just success in general, but success that is sustainable, profitable, and intentionally supportive of both the business owner and the clients of the business as well.
I feel that having an accounting system that supports you is a crucial component of success within ALL businesses, regardless of size and focus. And I feel that holistic and transformational businesses, more than all other types of businesses, are most in need of a balanced and energetically aligned approach to the numbers, because without attention to the financial details, it’s very difficult for a business to thrive. And I want the helpers and healers of our planet to discover the power of accounting and the incredible depth of business success that accounting makes possible!
My deep dedication to taking something that most small business owners avoid (the bookkeeping) and turning it into something that my clients simply cannot live without (prepared financials on a regular basis) has empowered so many gifted & talented entrepreneurs to stay in business! And that’s always my goal: to empower my clients so that they can continue healing the planet with their incredible work.
Why This?
When you reignite your love for your work and deepen your business intentions, inviting growth and expansion that is guided by the foundations and principles of accounting, you will cultivate a daily experience within your business that is beyond your wildest dreams. Energy that you didn’t even know you were spending as you wondered “how is my business actually doing financially this month?” will be freed up for focusing on the work in your business that lights you up inside.
You will feel more present. You will be more honest with yourself as you are spending money on behalf of your business. You will feel empowered and in the driver’s seat, and the confidence that will flow as you navigate and manage your business will infuse a new level of desire within you. You’ll begin to believe in your dreams and then those dreams will come true!
Practical accounting tasks will feel easier, as you will be well aware of their benefit as a component of the bigger picture story of your numbers. You will make business decisions with a new level of financial awareness, and this alone will shift your relationship with money in ways you haven’t imagined possible. You will begin setting financial goals, and then as you see those goals realized, you’ll eagerly set your next goal, knowing you’re already well on your way to reaching it as well.
Why Now?
As you embrace and engage the story of the numbers within your business, the possibilities for the future become unlimited. You become aware of money issues before they create disruption. You notice financial opportunities that hadn’t occurred to you before. You begin to energetically ask for the things that you are really dreaming about, without doubt. You come to embrace the potential of your company in a way that was previously out of reach.
Something shifts inside when the numbers are no longer something from which you hide. It’s as though shining a light on this aspect of your business turns the power up across the board. Fueling the finances sets your desire on fire! And allowing yourself to desire more for your business is the key to growing your business and becoming more fulfilled than you were before.
Believe it or not, the day is coming when you won’t be able to recall how you ever functioned in business without mining the monthly reports for hidden gems and keeping your eye on not just the bottom line, but everything that’s moving and shaking in the money of your company. It is possible to fall in love with the accounting and uncover financial gems that lead you to a pot of gold that’s bigger than you ever even imagined possible.
What Exactly Is Going ZOOMIES?
You + Me spending a full day together (virtually)
– a personalized energy work session to start our day, with me performing energy work to download the energetic framework of our time together and unlock any blocks that are popping up, in addition to receiving energetic messages for you
– three phone calls throughout the day to dig into the details of your biz money and to launch you into aligned actions and create supportive routines/rituals
– independent work and heart based assignments between calls with “at a moment’s notice” support from me if you get stuck
– follow up phone session (of up to one hour) one month after we go ZOOMIES together, to ensure you’re implementing and on track
– unlimited e-mail support is included for the month between our daylong session and your follow up session
– mp3 recordings of our calls so you don’t have to worry about remembering a single thing while we’re in the zone
Fun Fact about the name: ZOOMIES is the nickname Great Dane owners have for the crazy, wild, and free style of running all over the place (indoors or out) commonly seen in Great Danes. It’s a burst of awesome energy followed by the expression of that energy. I have named this daylong intensive after ZOOMIES because of how much we accomplish in one day and how we both feel after we wrap. It’s like we’ve been doing ZOOMIES together all day and we feel amazing!
How Much Does This Cost?
Ready to Go ZOOMIES With Me?
Daylong Intensive Services (ZOOMIES) E-mail Form:
Thank you for your interest in going ZOOMIES with me!
 I will respond within 1-2 business days and I look forward to working with you.
Let’s be honest. There’s not a business anywhere that is without problems. Business is complicated and imperfect. Every business everywhere is staffed with imperfect human beings and exists by providing a product or service to other imperfect human beings.
~ Bob Parsons