The Heart Based Bookkeeping Team

Michael J. Salzman
Operations Manager  


Michael is Jess’s right hand in all things life and business. As a duo we consider ourselves to be incredibly blessed to be partners in virtually all ways. We parent together, run our business together, and, of course, we live together, too! Michael has an extensive professional background in customer and client services. As you may have read in The $100 Startup, when Michael was laid off in 2007, Jess and Michael decided together to make the bookkeeping business their sole income focus. Little did either of them realize that a few short years later, after contributing to the family as an amazing stay-at-home-dad, Michael would also fully step in to help Jess with her ever-growing company. Michael is the one who keeps the work flow running smoothly and he’s the resident PayPal data wrangler as well. If you decide to pick up the phone and give us a ring, chances are Michael’s cheerful voice will be the one you hear on the other end of the line.

Even More About Michael: He loves painting miniatures (tiny figurines with lots of fine detail) and this is yet another area where his attention to detail shines! He loves sailing and all things nautical, considers being a Dad to be the most incredible role of a lifetime, and wherever you find Michael – his Great Dane George is always close by!


Chris Morgen
Data Entry Specialist

Chris has been with Heart Based Bookkeeping since tax day 2014! As our company grew, we recognized that we couldn’t do all of the work alone, so we reached out to our friend Chris and soon, a new position was born! Chris helps us maintain accounts every month and when a big Back-Work Project comes in, he’s always ready and willing to invest extra hours in providing top notch data processing for our beloved clients’ books. We appreciate Chris and all he brings to HBB!


Let’s be honest. There’s not a business anywhere that is without problems. Business is complicated and imperfect. Every business everywhere is staffed with imperfect human beings and exists by providing a product or service to other imperfect human beings.

~ Bob Parsons