Back-Work Bookkeeping Packages

Hey there! I’m so glad you’re here.

Back-Work Bookkeeping Packages are how you can get totally caught up when you’ve fallen behind with keeping track of the financial aspects of your business.

I completely understand that when you’re in business for yourself, doing what you love to do and taking care of all the myriad things that have to get taken care of when you’re the one doing it all… I understand how easy it is to fall a bit behind with the bookkeeping.

Sure, you pay your bills on time (at least you do most of the time, if not all of the time) and you deposit any checks you receive and all that. You’re taking care of the money aspects of your business that really matter most in real time.

But when it comes to pulling it all together and taking a look at how much has come in and how much has gone out, and seeing how much is left over… well, that type of work has just taken a bit of a backseat in the world of your business.

I get that.
And it is totally OK.

You Are Not Alone

First of all, you are so not alone in this respect. The vast majority of amazing people who I’m honored to call my clients today? They had the exact same experience you’re having! They went into business because of a talent, a passion, a gift, or a dream – and they are really good at doing what they do best.

But when it comes to the numbers stuff? They fell behind just like you. Some of my most successful and talented clients? They were years behind with their biz books when I met them.

You Can Get Caught Up!

That is what I’m here for. I take your stacks and piles of bank statements and credit card statements (some of which I’m certain have yet to even be opened – yes, you can admit that here, because I’m completely accustomed to opening ’em up!)… I take that stuff and turn it into something amazing… I uncover the hidden gold that’s just waiting to be discovered in your back-work bookkeeping project:

The story behind the numbers. The information that I convert into knowledge which then gives me insight and wisdom about how to make your business even better. The incredible financial reporting we can use to ensure that your business can continue to serve those you work with and can also provide for you in the best possible fashion.

And here’s the thing about back-work: the energetic expense of having it hanging over your head? We can reclaim that energy and infuse your business with the power of the story behind the numbers. You’ll gain incredible insight into what is and isn’t working in your business and… you’ll pay half-price to do so!

Pay Half-Price!

That’s right: I discount back-work projects to 50% of what you would normally pay month-to-month. So if your monthly fee going forward is going to be, let’s say, just as an example, $300/month, your back-work rate is $150 per month of back-work.

Why do I do this? I do it for a couple of reasons, which are equally important to me.

You can’t change the past. 

(You learn from it though, which is why I love back-work projects so much — they teach us so much, in retrospect, upon completion.) But as much as we learn when the books are caught up, we still can’t time travel back into the past and change things month-by-month as we go. So the value of back-work is slightly depreciated by the reality that it is just that – a backlog.

You are stuck in the past and I want to bring you into the present, and support you in the future.

I know that every single entrepreneur who has fallen behind with their bookkeeping wants nothing more than to be caught up. But it’s a huge, ugly, nasty problem that just needs to be solved. And hopefully not cost a fortune. Because without the numbers, you don’t really know the full story of what’s happening in your business, financially. So my back-work pricing is based on a built-in incentive – one that is focused on the NOW, which is where we want you to be focused too!

What You Get

So I’m sure you’re wondering – what do I end up with after you tackle my back-work?

Here’s the cool thing – after I do my thing, and involve you in a painless round of getting your input on the things I want to make sure I completely understand about your unique business and all that’s been happening over the time that’s passed since you last did your books – you end up with a set of tax-preparation ready books!

You can take my finished work and connect with a tax preparer or CPA and have your taxes filed… or you can connect me with your tax preparer of choice and I will do all of the interfacing with that person so their job is super simplified and they get exactly what they need from you and your business to put your prior year’s bookkeeping into the record books.

Sounds Great, But I’m *WAY* Behind

If you’re wondering how much back-work is too much or too little, the answer is simple. It’s never too much or too little! Heart Based Bookkeeping has handled back-work bookkeeping for just 1 month for a tiny solopreneur and as many as 7 years of unkept records for a corporation with many employees. So whatever number of months you’ve got to get caught up? Totally works for me.

And, I want you to know that if you’ve got HUGE overwhelming amount of months or years to get caught up, I also give a volume discount on the pricing. My goal is to get you caught up, painlessly!

Ready To Get Started?

The best way to get started is to give me an overview of your business and situation. Please fill out the form below. I’ll review your information in confidence, and we’ll set up a time to talk.

Do you have questions? Please ask ’em via the form as well. I love questions! I’m here to support you and I understand how difficult it is when you’ve got big backlog of bookkeeping. Let’s get connected so I can begin helping you, today!

Back-Work Bookkeeping E-mail Form:

Name *

Business Name

Preferred Contact Method

E-Mail *


How You Found Us

Business Address




Type Of Business

Years In Business

Annual Sales (If You Know)

Describe your business and how it came to be, and tell me why you love what you do.

Where do you feel successful in your business?

When did you last file taxes for your business? (If you are a sole proprietor, when did you last file personal income taxes?)

Please describe your current bookkeeping situation. How many months of bookkeeping do you need caught up?

Do you have any questions for us?

Thank you for your interest in my Back-Work Bookkeeping services!
I will respond within 1-2 business days.

Let’s be honest. There’s not a business anywhere that is without problems. Business is complicated and imperfect. Every business everywhere is staffed with imperfect human beings and exists by providing a product or service to other imperfect human beings.

~ Bob Parsons