Guided Money Sessions
Do you ever feel stuck when it comes to money?
Do thoughts of money sometimes make your stomach flutter (and not in a good way)?
Have you ever felt like you need to talk things through with someone who will understand and be able to guide you through your money stuck into ease and flow?
There are the practical challenges of making and managing money. And then there are the emotional aspects: the feelings that come up when thinking about your money issues… the feelings of fear, frustration, dread, and doubt.
Some days you feel such intense emotion that it’s become hard to even turn and face your financial reality. You just keep doing what you do best and hope that it will all work out.
It’s hard to put all you’ve got into making your business work and then find that you’re still coming up short on the income side. And when there’s not enough money, the feelings of fear can even be paralyzing.
You’ve Tried To Work Through Your Money Stuck…
You’ve attempted to talk yourself through it. You know the internal dialogue that goes a little something like this, “Oh stop being such a scaredy cat! You love what you do and you’re passionate about it and even really good at it, so there’s got to be a way to MAKE THIS WORK!”
You’ve read books that say you can have as much abundance and prosperity as you wish, you just need to allow it to come in. You’ve tried allowing it to come in, but still, you’re struggling. Which makes you feel like even more of a failure because that dang book makes it sound so easy.
It’s not that you haven’t been trying to sort this out. You have.
You may even have a good day or two, when it seems like things are finally turning the corner. You get a new client or land a great project. You see that the work you love CAN pay your bills. There’s more money flowing in than out and your bank balance is starting to climb.
And then you realize you owe more in taxes than you expected, or get hit with a big business expense that sets you back quite a bit. Or you celebrate the success of your business making more money than its ever made before, but have to face the fact that even that amount of income still isn’t enough for you, personally, to make it (not to mention thrive) financially.
You’re sick of it. You’re tired of the same old money stuck, the same old story of never having enough money, and you just don’t know how much more of this money stuff you can take. You LOVE what you do but the money is just NOT following.
“I knew I needed to come to grips with my mindset about money as my situation seemed to be at odds with what I truly believed… that I had something of value for the people and deserved to be compensated for it.
Talking to Jessica actually took me by surprise as I didn’t really know what to expect.
What I gained was a realistic first glimpse with my situation and some true instruction on how to be painfully honest with myself and with how I truly saw my business.
The results surprised me. I had no idea some of the hidden feelings I had about my business. I’m still peeling back the layers, but I can say my session with her truly started the conversation I had to have (and now must continue) to re-establish a relationship with my business.
Jessica is insightful and seems to have a way of seeing beyond the obvious money/cash flow/profit equation. She helped me to prepare for a really important business development meeting.
And the tools I learned from her I’m using for other situations like that one. I have more work to do, but I believe her process has put me on a good path.”
Desiree H. Young, Business and Marketing Strategist
VentureWalk Business Partners, LLC
Harvey, Louisiana
You’re Ready to Heal Your Relationship With Money
You’re at the point where you’re not only wanting a change in your relationship with money, you’re needing a change. You can feel the weight of your money worries in your body and your mind, and at times your fears are even keeping you up at night.
The energetic expense of being all mucked up with money is taking its toll on you, your work, your business, and your life.
As painful and frustrating as this situation is for you, all of what you’re experiencing and feeling makes sense.
This experience of struggling and feeling stuck when it comes to money is one that every single entrepreneur I’ve ever met (whether they were successful or not-yet-successful) has gone through at least once.
And, most entrepreneurs I know? They have experienced this stuck and struggling pattern in their relationship with money quite a few times.
It’s okay to be stuck. It’s alright that you’re frustrated. It’s perfectly OK to feel whatever it is you are feeling, even if that feeling is scared, angry, ready to give up, or even just plain fed the heck up.
There is a solution. It’s just something totally different from everything else you’ve tried. And it may even be an approach that’s totally unexpected and a bit foreign to you. Which is also OK.
“I came to Jess with an issue that needed practical information and that was emotionally/mentally knotted up.
I was contemplating bankruptcy. Oh, gracious – I was clueless and scared. So many things I didn’t know, and so many paralyzing fears.
Not only did Jess give me practical guidance, but she connected at a heart level to help me figure out what my right path was.
It was such a relief to work with someone that understood the two different perspectives, and could talk on both levels.”
Meredith Curtin, The Project Nanny
Westminster, Colorado
You see, sometimes it’s not even a money issue that’s holding you back; it’s something mental or emotional. Sometimes it is a money issue, made even worse by some extra energetic or emotional tangle.
In either case, it may be something you don’t notice while you’re engaged in MAKING THE BUSINESS WORK!
Sometimes you’re blocked on a level that doesn’t even occur to you and the things you’re doing just solidify that block. And the block makes it even harder for you to shift into a new spaciousness, a new way of doing that comes to you with grace and ease, a way that brings joy and excitement.

There IS a Solution!
Instead of feeling like a gerbil stuck on a wheel, running endlessly and going nowhere new, you can take small baby steps that resonate with your heart… steps that enable you to be energetically empowered to shift into a new and incredible financial reality.
Shifting and healing on an energetic level is the most powerful way to bring about change in your relationship with money.
Most people aren’t able to easily discern their own energetic roadblocks on their path to financial abundance. Energy healing will do that for you.
When you begin to make changes at the energetic level, practical actions that you take begin to actually make a difference and bring about desired results.
Your feelings and emotional reactions to money are the indicators of your personalized guidance system. They are the tools you can use to heal and grow within your business and they can help to healthfully shape the ways you interact with money.
Your heart can show you the way to greater ease and flow with money.
You can feel, today, the way you dream of feeling when all of your money fears are released and relieved.
When you connect with yourself and view your circumstances through the lens of your heart, options that were not even previously apparent to you become clear, and effective solutions that will allow you to feel empowered and ready to act become available to you.
From the heart level, you can not only see and identify your blind spots, but also understand how to move past them and take their lessons with you as you move forward into your new financial reality.
“I wasn’t really sure what to expect out of my consultation with Jessica. All I knew is that I felt stalled in my business (and in my life) and I needed some help.
During my session, I could feel her caring and kindness almost palpably through the phone line. Our session really helped me make some connections between some of my stuckness with money and some other areas in my life that I hadn’t thought of.
I was amazed at how far we moved in just one session.”
Meredith Eisenberg,
Albuquerque, New Mexico
In a Guided Money Session, we will work together, utilizing your heart’s innate wisdom and your own intuitive sense of what it is you’re most needing, and uncover how you can heal, and grow, and thrive, financially.
I will help you to transform your money fears, anxieties, and stuck into money peace, calm, and flow.
Your heart holds the key and I can help you unlock the potential within you that is just waiting to show you the way.
You will dwell in a space of ease, witnessing the hidden messages contained within your feelings. We will work through the layers of your stuck, gently peeling away what isn’t working, uncovering the beautiful possibility that dwells within you and your business.
You will be empowered to take small baby steps from a place of feeling held, safe, and ready. These baby steps will enable you to change your financial reality while feeling comfortable, cared for, and true to yourself.
Is This For Me?
If you’ve got lots of practical-dealing-with-money-within-business stuff in place and still feel stuck, a Guided Money Session will help. You’ll be able to dissolve areas of money stuck that are holding you back from experiencing a truly liberating relationship with money, even though you’ve already got the concrete managing money systems in place in a way that works for you.
If you’ve been so stuck that not even the practical stuff is working for you, a Guided Money Session will really help. You’ll be able to eliminate your personal money-in-business stumbling blocks that are not readily apparent, and come into a place of being ready to solve the practical aspects of getting your money matters in order, and feel the emotional freedom that comes with stepping into a financial reality that includes security and success.
You will be empowered and energized to step forward and take effective action that is aligned with your heart and your unique business.
You will experience the transformational powers of energetically healing and intuitively understanding your relationship with money.
Trying to identify your own energetic money blocks can be like trying to read an entire novel with your nose pressed up against the cover of the book.
Yet I’m able to view your energy system as if it’s an open book laid out in front of me; with pages to turn, a table of contents, an index, and all of the detailed chapters within.
In your session you will be shown steps, actions you can take today, so that when it comes to facing money matters, you are empowered, strong, ready, and even excited to journey forward on your new path to prosperity and financial security.
“When it comes to money, I feel vulnerable. For a long time I’ve been wishing I could find someone to help me untangle my finances and gain clarity around my current situation.
I am a full time artist with a thriving business and yet–when it came to money–I felt scared, ignorant, overwhelmed, and downright stuck.
Let me begin by saying that Jessica has been one of the biggest gifts that I have received in a long, long time. From our very first email correspondence, I knew that Jessica was the bookkeeper I had been wishing for. Little did I know that I would be getting soooo much more than just a bookkeeper!
In reading the words in that first email (and all that followed), I felt a tidal wave of relief. Finally, someone who gets me!
Never in my whole life has someone put me at such ease–and I immediately found myself able to see a new and very wonderful light at the end of an otherwise dark tunnel.
To be honest, my experience in working with Jessica is impossible to sum up. Why? Because Jessica is much more incredible than words can possibly convey.
She not only understands the magic of numbers, but is a truly gifted healer as well. After just one Intuitive Money Session with Jessica, I was blown away by the things that came up during our call.
Talk about diving in head first! And yet I felt completely safe.
Our conversation touched on things that I may have already known on an intellectual level, but Jessica’s intuitive insight took me further into those thoughts and feelings than I have ever traveled before. She helped me cut to the core of something that greatly mattered to me.
In the process, I experienced a deep and necessary shift. I laughed, I cried and, most importantly, I walked away from our session feeling a profound sense of love-for my work, myself, my past, my future.
I wasn’t expecting such…immenseness.
The healing I experienced went much deeper than money.
I only hope that Jessica fully realizes how grateful I am for sharing her incredibly multifaceted gifts. She is made up of 100% heart, 100% authenticity, and a million percent amazing.
I look forward to continued work with her. Jessica’s presence in my life is an absolute blessing beyond measure!”
Jessica Marianiello, Stray Dog Arts
Minneapolis, Minnesota
How I Help
I help you by sharing my gifts and talents with you. I channel healing energy (I’m a Reiki Master) to unclog your spiritual and energetic blocks around money so that abundance energy can flow freely. I’m an intuitive, so I can often sense what feels like the right thing to do to help you.
I’ve also had a lot of experience with money issues, both my own and other people’s. I’ve learned a lot from those experiences, and I’ll use what I’ve learned to help you heal your relationship with money.
I’ve got the practical side covered, too. I have plenty of skills, training, and knowledge about lots of different aspects of making and managing money in small business, so I’ll be able to help you with practical, concrete advice and insight for your particular situation.
My personal background combined with my unique approach lets me help you in a delicious blend of heart and mind. I meld the spiritual and the practical to heal and transform your relationship with money.
You see, I’ve learned that taking a single-sided approach, no matter how good that approach is, it’s just never enough when it comes to money. The best accounting system isn’t going to be enough if you’re still scared and not making enough. And even making buckets of money is never going to be a total solution if you don’t have systems in place to keep track of it all.
I’ve found through my work with clients that when you combine the practical and the emotional/energetic, amazing things happen, and incredible healing and growth occurs… it’s practically magical. And that’s why I offer Guided Money Sessions to my clients.
You can also read additional comments from clients who’ve experienced Guided Sessions with me over here.
“I just had a 30/60 Guided Money Session with Jess, and I’m feeling a lot better and a lot clearer now.
During the first bit, Jess did a bunch of energetic stuff and I just sat there and soaked it up. It was great, and I think she cleared out some gunk from my chakras or something. I don’t know the details, but I do know that I feel clearer and more aligned now.
During the second bit, we talked about my money issues and fears, and arrived at three concrete things I can do to help myself be safe and supported, both financially and spiritually. She even mentioned a tax strategy that might save me a lot of money this year.
With anyone else, it would have felt jarring to go from talking about spirituality to talking about tax strategies, but with Jess, it felt perfectly natural.”
Pace Smith, Freak Revolution
Austin, Texas
How It Works
You let me know you’d like to schedule a session by filling out the form on the bottom of this page.
Then we meet either via phone or in person. And I lead the entire process, so you have nothing to think about, worry about, or do ahead of time. You simply show up and we work together, with me as your Guide. I’ll support and guide you through the entire process.
All Guided Money Sessions include both energetic healing and guided intuitive interactions with me, it’s just the duration of each method that varies.
A 30/60 session includes 30 minutes of energetic healing followed by 60 minutes of guided intuitive work
A 60/30 session includes 60 minutes of energetic healing followed by 30 minutes of guided intuitive work
I find that it’s not uncommon that you’ll feel more called to one blending of this work than the other, so if you feel more strongly drawn to interactive dialogue-based processing, you’ll want to select the 30/60 session which is a 60 minute phone call (or in person session) that is preceded by me spending 30 minutes doing energetic healing work.
If you feel more drawn to energetic healing work with less focus on the interactive dialogue-based portion of the session, you’ll want to chose a 60/30 session which is a 60 minute energetic healing session (either in person or via distance healing without your physical presence) followed by us engaging via telephone (or in person) for 30 minutes.
If you don’t have a strong sense of preference, you can just say so and I’ll let you know which session type I sense will work best for you. You can leave it totally up to me and I’ll decide for you.
How Much Does This Cost?
$300 per session, which includes a total of 90 minutes of services. Your session price also includes two weeks of follow up support via e-mail.
Ready to Schedule Your Session?
So if you are stuck around money and would like to restore flow where that stuckness has taken up residence, simply connect with me today to schedule your Guided Money Session!
FAQ: How Many Sessions Will It Take?
Clients often wonder ahead of time if their money stuck can be resolved in just one session. The answer I offer is, “it’s possible!” I have seen incredible money healing occur in a single session. I’ve also witnessed clients receiving incredible financial insights in single sessions.
It is possible that you will feel complete in your Guided Money Session work with me after just one session.
It’s also possible that we’ll identify, or I’ll sense, multiple layers of money stuck; layers that will take some time to fully resolve. And that’s completely OK. If you need support through multiple sessions, we can certainly set up a package of sessions that will work for you, both financially and practically.
If it takes multiple sessions together for us to reach the outcome you are seeking, you can be assured that the outcome of your process will be well worth the space you create for it.
FAQ: Can You Help Me With My Baby Step?
Clients will sometimes spend a lot of time in advance of our session together focused on and thinking about what their session’s action step may look like. They want to know that they will be able to TAKE ACTION.
They ponder if they’ll be able to do what they are shown as their next baby step in moving ahead in their financial life.
Rest easy knowing that no matter what comes up for you as a next step, I am always here to fully support you in all of the “nuts and bolts” aspects of making and managing money, both in your business and in your personal life.
You can set those thoughts aside for now, knowing that you will leave your Guided Money Session feeling empowered and ready to move forward with grace and ease, and if you need additional support in the mechanics of moving forward, I’ll be here to help you in that way as well!
FAQ: I have another question!
If you have a question I haven’t answered here, please ask me! I’m here to help and I want to hear your question, whatever it may be…
Guided Money Sessions E-mail Form:
 Thank you for your interest in a Guided Money Session with me!
I will respond within 1-2 business days and look forward to working with you.
Let’s be honest. There’s not a business anywhere that is without problems. Business is complicated and imperfect. Every business everywhere is staffed with imperfect human beings and exists by providing a product or service to other imperfect human beings.
~ Bob Parsons