How Do Small Business Folks Budget for Business?

A training client of mine sent me this great question that I want to share with you, along with my response. “I have this, perhaps inaccurate, idea that at the beginning of the year, business folks sit down and create a budget for the year, deciding how much...

“Yay! Today’s bookkeeping day!” (Not.)

It’s not uncommon for people to procrastinate, especially when it comes to bookkeeping and accounting tasks. I can honestly say that I’ve never once heard someone sit down at their desk and say, “Yay! Today’s bookkeeping day!” However,...

3-Point Safety Check to Escape Overwhelming Fear

A couple of nights ago, I was awake at four in the morning.  My younger daughter wasn’t feeling well, so I had been up with her for an hour or so, giving her extra TLC.  When I climbed back into my bed, I was unable to fall asleep.  My mind was racing with...

Steering Clear of Wrong Vantage Point Syndrome

A few evenings ago my three-year-old daughter and I set out on a walk. We ended up at the playground and as we were riding on the see-saw, my daughter spotted a discarded object a few yards away. “Mommy! Someone threw them pants off and left them there! They...

Running on Empty?

The other day I was chatting with a dear friend of mine.  There was a little lull in the conversation and after a moment of silence, she says to me, “Can I ask you a question about business?”  I love my friend, I love all things related to business, and...