Running on Empty?

The other day I was chatting with a dear friend of mine.  There was a little lull in the conversation and after a moment of silence, she says to me, “Can I ask you a question about business?”  I love my friend, I love all things related to business, and...

Stepping Down the Scary Road

Recently Chas, a reader of my articles, asked me if I had any advice to offer “someone stepping down the scary road of keeping track of the ins and outs” of business and life. This weekend, while I worked on my personal and business budgets for the year, I...

Asking for Help When Comprehension Eludes You

When I was in Israel earlier this month, I was faced with a challenge.  I needed to understand something, but no matter how hard I tried on my own, I simply wasn’t able to make sense of what I was hearing. You see we had rented an Israeli cell phone for our...

Give Your Business Credit

When was the last time you gave your business a pat on the back? Can you recall a recent time when you felt proud of your business for its accomplishments? Sometimes, when things are busy and there’s a lot of work to be done, it’s easy to forget that our...

Filling in the Blanks

It’s not unusual in small businesses for the bookkeeping to pile up and become an old and stale item on the To Do List. With all of the tasks that are competing for your attention within your small business, it’s not surprising that managing bank...