Is Your Bookkeeping System Working For You?

Select the answer that applies within your current bookkeeping system.

Then interpret your score below:

true  false
I know how much revenue my sales activity generated last month.
true  false
I know if sales were up or down last month compared to the prior month and compared to the same month last year.
true  false
I know how much gross profit my business made last month.
true  false
I can easily evaluate my business expenses by category.
true  false
I know who owes me money and how much they owe me. I also know how long they've owed me money.
true  false
I have a bank account and credit card account dedicated to my business. I do not mix business and personal funds or expense activities.
true  false
I know who I owe money, how much I owe, and when they expect to be paid.
true  false
I know what my profit was for last month.
true  false
I can also compare the amount of profit I made last month with the month prior and to the same month last year.
true  false
I make estimated tax payments (if applicable) on time and for the most accurate amount possible. I don't overpay or underpay.
true  false
I use software to manage my books and I have my data regularly reviewed by a trusted outside advisor who understands the software and accounting more thoroughly than I do.
true  false
I know the value of my business's possessions and I know how much debt my business is carrying. I also know how much I am spending on interest and finance charges each month.
true  false
I reconcile my bank and credit card accounts every month.
true  false
I have not paid an overdraft fee or late payment penalty this year.
true  false
I know how much money would be in my bank account if every outstanding check were to clear today.
true  false
I am able to have my taxes prepared early or on time each year.
true  false
I feel confident in my bookkeeping system and the information it is providing me. I refer to my system when making business decisions and plans for the future.
true  false
I regularly produce financial statements, review them, and understand what they tell me about my business or I have a trusted outside advisor who assists me with this task regularly (at least once per quarter).
true  false
I pay my bills on time because I know when they are due.
true  false
I enjoy running my business because bookkeeping is not a burden or a problem in my business.
true  false
I open my bank statements and credit card statements each month when they arrive and take appropriate action based on their arrival.
true  false
I have peace of mind and sleep well at night because I am not worried about my business and matters concerning money.
true  false
I have ample time to focus on the aspects of running my business that I enjoy and love. I do not feel bogged down by bookkeeping tasks.
true  false
I trust my bookkeeper. (If you're doing your own books, do you trust yourself doing this task?)
true  false
I recognize the amazing impact that an up-to-date and informative bookkeeping system can have on the success of my business and my own peace of mind and happiness within my business.


Your total score is:


  • 21-25: Strong System. Congratulations on having a well implemented and very effective bookkeeping system. Heart Based Bookkeeping can provide you with services that will increase your time (if you are doing your own bookkeeping) while maintaining the effectiveness and accuracy of your current system or I can provide oversight and reconciliation services to insure that the work being performed by your current bookkeeper is accurate, efficient, and cost-effective. Also, every bookkeeping system benefits from checks and balances. Having an outside trusted advisor to assist you in your business is a service that is invaluable. Explore my services today to find out how I can help. I can also help you to identify areas of your bookkeeping system that you can easily outsource.

  • 16-20: Almost there! It is obvious that bookkeeping is a priority for you and you are ready to invest in a system that works. Heart Based Bookkeeping can help you implement a bookkeeping system that will strengthen and improve your business. I will work with you to identify the areas of your system that can be improved and provide you with a greater return on your investment. Explore my services today to find out how I can help. We'll design, together, a system for your unique business and your specialized needs.

  • 11-15: Definite potential for improvement. Heart Based Bookkeeping can definitely help you improve your current system. You will greatly benefit from my services in numerous ways, both professionally and personally. I offer services that will build upon the foundation you currently have in place, making your bookkeeping system a source of knowledge and wisdom that will lead to better business decisions and increased profits. Explore my services today to find out how I can help.

  • Under 10: I can immediately begin to solve your bookkeeping problems. Contact me today and I will provide you with a free and personalized consultation so we can begin designing a bookkeeping system that will help solve your bookkeeping problems and make a huge difference in your business and your life. I can understand the frustrations you must be feeling due to the current lack of an effective bookkeeping system within your business. I look forward to helping you make easy changes that will lead to stellar improvements in your business's bottom line and provide you with greater peace of mind.

Can I really help your particular business? Read "Is This You?" to find out.